December Appreciation Challenge
Lots of people take time out during the month of November to be thankful, but why should that attitude of appreciation and thankfulness stop once December starts? After all, December brings the gift-giving season, quality time spent with family and friends, and new adventures in the New Year.
I think December is the ideal month to look back on the year, take stock of everything we’ve accomplished, and set aside time to truly appreciate all the blessings we’ve been given, challenges we’ve overcome, and successes we’ve had. That’s why I’m challenging myself – and you – to an exercise I’m calling the December Appreciation Challenge. It’s about taking time every single day during the month of December to focus on one thing that you appreciate about the past year. It could be something that went well, wore you out, made you feel great, kept you going, made you want to get up and dance, or all of the above! Write it down in a journal, share it on social media, or just meditate on it for five minutes.
The act of acknowledging these moments – good and bad – will make us more conscious of all of the blessings in our lives. I’ll be sharing a few of my favorites on social media using the hashtag #AppreciateBeauty. (If you don’t already, you can follow me on Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook.)
When you recognize beauty in the world, you create more within yourself.
Challenge, accepted!
- Tags: appreciation blessings challenge colleen rothschild Holidays New Year skincare success thankfulness winter